An engineer with a 40‐years hands-on experience in R&D, design, commissioning, construction, start‐up, operations and consulting. Worked with, steam turbines, gas turbines, hydro turbines, compressors, pumps and diesels in, conventional power plants, geothermal power plants, oil & gas installations all around the world. A control engineer with a lot of successful control solutions behind.
July 2013 – present CocoHouse (Croatia)
(driver, handyman)
Supporting Coco in establishing and running a Korean Guest House in Zagreb
Still not out of the turbine world. Cracking some tough nuts around the world with GE and others. Available for consultancy, training, field.
July 2018;
Petrokemija – Kutina – Croatia / Nitrc Acid Plant (1) Power Train – Control System Retrofit Principal Design and commissioning;
2011 – July 2013 Invensys (Singapore)
(APAC TMC Consultant)
Providing in depth technical consultancy on various APAC TMC projects. Received Invensys Engineering Excellence Award for the PJB Gresik project. Some of the projects he was involved with are listed below:
November 2011;
Taiwan Power Corporation (TPC) – Hsinta ‐ Taiwan / 2 x 500MW Mitsubishi LST ‐ Control System Retrofit.
December 2011
North Delhi Power Corporation (NDPL) – Delhi ‐ India / 2 x Frame 6B ‐ Control System Retrofit
February 2012‐March 2013
Power Java & Bali (PJB) – Gresik – Indonesia /2 x 200 MW Toshiba LST ‐ Control System Retrofit
March –July 2013
Pertamina – Dumai – Indonesia / 2 x 14 MW Fuji Electric (Siemens) Controlled Induction ‐ System Retrofit
2001 – 2011 PenPower, GTSI, GS – USA (Ireland)
(Controls TA, Start Up Engineer, Lead Start Up Engineer)
Start‐up Technical Advisor on various General Electric Gas/Steam turbine projects around the world. Working with Speedtronic Mark IV, Mark V, Mark VI, Mark Ve, Mark VIe and Allen Bradley controllers. Some of the projects are listed below:
April‐July/2011 ‐ Esso, Longford, Australia ‐ Lead Controls TA.
MKI to MKVIe retrofit. ITTC application with Fr3 driving two compressors at the same shaft. Responsible for turbine and compressor start‐up
July‐Dec/2010 ‐ Conoco Philips Immingham, UK ‐ Lead Controls TA.
Fr9FA MKV to MKVe retrofit with Fr9FA MKVe cooling economizing upgrade. Responsible for equipment installation and units start‐up
Jan‐Aug/2009 ‐ Al Tawellah Abu Dhabi, UAE ‐ Lead Start‐up TA.
Two times Fr9E MKVI installation and start‐up. Responsible for equipment installation and units start‐up
Aug‐Nov/2008 ‐ SSE Keadby, UK ‐ Controls TA.
Fr9FA MKV to MKVIe retrofit. Responsible for equipment installation and units start‐up of Unit #1.
Oct‐Nov/2006 ‐ e‐on, Connah’s Quay, UK ‐ Controls TA.
GTCC Fr9F and Alstom ST. Troubleshooting high CO emission involving live steam temperature matching during GT start‐up.
March‐June/2006 ‐Sonatrach, Kenennda, Algeria ‐ Lead Controls TA.
Compressor station, Fr3 GT upgrade MkII to MkVI. Responsible for commissioning the upgrade that includes compressor control and protection (ITCC).
Feb‐May/2005 ‐Marathon Oil, Alba II, Equatorial Guinea ‐ Lead Start‐up TA. Rotoflow turbo‐expander GER265 operated by AB ControlLogix,. Responsible for commissioning the equipment and handing it over to the customer.
Oct 2004 ‐ESB Uch Power, Pakistan ‐Controls TA.
GTCC Fr9E plus C9 ST. Responsible for troubleshooting the equipment and start‐up after a major overhaul.
Dec 2002 ‐June 2003 MLNG Bintulu, Malaysia ‐Start‐up TA.
Power generation of 5*Fr5 generators at a process train with 2*Fr7. All MKV. Involved with 2*Fr7 start‐up and responsible for the start‐ up of Power Generation. Designed and commissioned the interface between MkV and Secondary Load Management System.
2000 – 2001 ENRON – India
(Turbine Engineer)
Engineering support during Dabhol II construction.
1999 – 2000 PB Power – New Zealand/Australia
(Senior Consultant)
Working for NZ branch of a major international engineering consultancy on various onshore and offshore projects.
Elected to professional associate with PB Power (2000)
1998 – 1999 Magma Nusantara Limited – Indonesia
(Plant Engineering Manager)
Owner engineer responsible for design, construction and commissioning of 2 x 110MW Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Plant. The project had that time’s world largest geothermal turbine.
Masterminded design and implementation of Integrated Control System. This design has been implemented for the first time in geothermal practice. It integrates the steamfield and the power station maximizing the plant output. The paper presented at the V. World Geothermal Conference, Tokyo 2000.
1996 ‐ 1998 DesignPower NZ – New Zealand/Japan
(Senior Consultant/Consultant)
Seconded to MNL as the owner supervisor resident in Fuji Electric Kawasaki, for design and manufacturing of geothermal power plant 2x110MW Wayang Windu.
Wayang Windu geothermal project tenders assessment.
Risk analyses of Wayang Windu Geothermal Plant using geothermal network simulator (NETSIM). The author of the NETSIM.
Review of Wairakei ILP Project commissioning procedure and witnessing the performance test.
The author of mathematical model for Rotokawa Geothermal Plant (24 MW ‐ ORMAT).
1994 ‐ 1996 Leyland Consultants Ltd. ‐ New Zealand
(Mechanical Engineer)
Responsible for design and installation of 4 MW steam turbine for ECNZ Wairakei Geothermal Power Station, using the LP cylinder of a Parsons 60 MW condensing set
Responsible for design and commissioning of 2×3 MW Wairua Falls water turbines governors. The governors were designed and commissioned as a software block within the already existing station PLC.
1992 – 1994 Turbo‐Control ‐ Croatia
(Self Employed)
Established a small company for overhauling and tuning Woodward (and others) prime mover governors. Personally overhauled or supervised overhauling of in excess of hundred various governors Woodward UG‐8, PG‐ PL, TG‐10 and others.
1990 – 1992 Hamowa (Juting) – Croatia/Turkey
(Chief Engineer, Department Manager, Project manager)
Karabuk – Turkey. Responsible for retrofit of the control systems for two 12 MW turbo generators, 11.6 MW turbo blower and two 960 kW turbo pumps in Demir Celik Steelworks. (1991‐1992).
Responsible for setting up the contracts, designing the application software and commissioning of several turbine electronic governors previously developed in Jugoturbina Institute.
1988 – 1990 Jugoturbina Institute – Yugoslavia
(Project Manager and Chief Engineer)
The manager and the chief application engineer for “Microprocessor Prime Movers Controller” project. Led a team of engineers in developing a microprocessor programmable control system that was then applied as the governor on various prime movers (steam, gas, water turbines). The author of all the application software commissioned. The project commissioned 3 steam turbine governors, 2 gas turbine governors and a water turbine governor.
1975 – 1988 Jugoturbina (Steam Turbine Works) – Yugoslavia
(Chief Engineer, Chief Commissioning Engineer, Commissioning Engineer, Test Engineer, Assistant Engineer)
A member of the core management team building a large turbines factory in Karlovac. The factory is now a part of GE. Personally managed design and construction of several factory segments as, test department, diagnostic center, etc.
From 1984 managed Power Plants Diagnosing Center, introducing that days modern methods and equipment like, data acquisition and control HP217 & HP3054, HBM‐UPM 60 and others.
Commissioned a lot of various turbines in many parts of Former Yugoslavia and Europe.
Lectured “Steam Turbine Design, Construction and Operating” on Jugoturbina Technical Academy (1987‐1988).
- Skoric P, Boutot R, Scott J, Iwata A “Wayang Windu Integrated Control System – The Control Concept for Modern Geothermal Plant?” V. World Geothermal Congress, Japan 2000
- Skoric P, “Analysis of the Half Way Rule” 21st NZ Geothermal Workshop 1999
- Morris G, Huang Y, Skoric P “Analyzing and Predicting the Performance of a Geothermal Gathering system” 18th N.Z. Geothermal Workshop 1996
- Skoric P, Kirby B “Dynamic Simulation of Power Plant Operation”, IPENZ Conference, 1996
- Skoric P, Skrtic V, Luketic A “Power Plant Equipment Functional Test”, ORKOM III, 1986;
- Skoric P, Skrtic V, Luketic A “Steam Wetness Throttling Measuring Method”, ORKOM IV 1988.
- Skoric P “Woodward UG‐8, Design, Transfer Function, Application & Testing” Jugoturbina (internal paper) 1985;
B.E. (Power Engineering – Zagreb University) ‐ 5 Years
GE Speedtronic Mark V (2002), GE Steam Turbine Operation (2002); Woodward NetCon, MicroNet, Atlas (2005), ITCC (2005), GE Speedtronic Mark VI (2006); GE Speedtronic Mark VIe (2008)
Languages: English
Personal :
Date of birth : 04.04.1955;
Nationality : New Zealand/Croatia;
Children : Proud father of Petra (1979) and Damir (1985);
Marital status : Happily Married to Coco;
Interest : Promoting life-work-achievements of one of the greatest engineers ever Nikola Tesla.